Welcome! Fareness makes it easy to find and book flights on the lowest priced travel dates and destinations that would normally take hours of searching to find. Airfares can vary by hundreds of dollars for different travel dates and similar places (Maui vs Honolulu, Paris vs Barcelona). We help you quickly find and book airfare deals at a glance.
The team at Fareness is comprised of 20+ year veterans in eCommerce, and we all love to travel. We don’t like ads and we really don’t like spam, so Fareness has none of that. We set out to create a travel company that inspires you to visit interesting places, quickly finds the best deals on flights (that we would want to take!), and makes booking simple and hassle free.
Once you book your flights at Fareness, our entire 30 person team of travel experts is here to support you. We’ll do everything we can to make your booking and travel experience a surprisingly refreshing one.
Enjoy your trip!
- Scott, Steve & the Fareness Team